
in python: LIFO(last in first out)

some methods of python stack:

Stack() – create a python stack



peek() – return the last one

isEmpty() and size()


FIFO, some implementation: line up printer and hot potatoes

also we have a deque, this can be FIFO or LIFO


ordered list and unordered list: linked list and normal list


calculate the sum of the list:

def listsum(numList):
  if len(numList) == 1:
    return numList[0]
    return numList[0] + listsum(numlist[1:])

Sorting algo:

merge sorting uses divide and conquer

quick sort as well:

quick sort move the element depending on the compared value with the pivot

Learn tree as a data structure

class BinaryTree:
    def __init__(self,rootObj):
        self.key = rootObj
        self.leftChild = None
        self.rightChild = None

    def insertLeft(self,newNode):
        if self.leftChild == None:
            self.leftChild = BinaryTree(newNode)
            t = BinaryTree(newNode)
            t.leftChild = self.leftChild
            self.leftChild = t

    def insertRight(self,newNode):
        if self.rightChild == None:
            self.rightChild = BinaryTree(newNode)
            t = BinaryTree(newNode)
            t.rightChild = self.rightChild
            self.rightChild = t

    def getRightChild(self):
        return self.rightChild

    def getLeftChild(self):
        return self.leftChild

    def setRootVal(self,obj):
        self.key = obj

    def getRootVal(self):
        return self.key

Parse tree in real world: do calculation: and we can then replace sub tree with a node

operator and parathesis can be used to added to the tree

Tree traversal : preorder, inorder, postorder

Binary heap

binary search tree